

Happy Halloween!!!part one
Hi there, this is Yoomi from Doremi International School Shinsaibashi.   We are so sorry that we couldn’t update our blog for a long time… Now we have more and more students and learning, having fun a lot everyday:) To share our lovely days at school, we will try to update this blog more often so please wait new one!   This time, I want to share our latest great memories of Halloween! We had 2 Halloween party on 28th of October and 31st of October. So let me share about 1st one on 28th of October!   On that day, we visited Hanasaki-Shinsaibashi, a nursing home. Students were so excited to wear their cute and cool costumes and enjoyed walking out side! blog_8138blog_4160 blog_1698blog_2964                        CIMG7907   DSC_8771 DSC_8775 DSC_8792 DSC_8795 DSC_8796  DSC_8806                                                                 Halloween party_3489    Halloween party_8104     When we arrived there, we were so surprised because lots of people have been there to see our performance! blog_6125   Then we showed our performance! DSC_8834DSC_8851DSC_8864DSC_8862DSC_8876DSC_8885blog_2525 blog_1391 blog_4058 blog_6076      DSC_8893 DSC_8942 DSC_8882 After the magic words ‘TRICK OR TREAT!!!’, finally our little monsters got treat!!! Great job guys! (students gave some presents too!) blog_8846 blog_6849 blog_5948 blog_3912 blog_2774 blog_302 blog_2291 But they wanted more and more fun on that day, we had some games and lessens with After class students:) They could say TRICK OR TREAT very loudly too! Halloween party_5873  Halloween party_123 DSC_9101DSC_9141DSC_9195 DSC_9204 DSC_9183 DSC_9185 DSC_9177DSC_9174 DSC_9157 DSC_9161 DSC_9168  DSC_9137  DSC_9134 DSC_9120CIMG7916 Teachers looked great too:D We all enjoyed our Halloween Party!!!   ☆Doremi International School☆ ☆ドレミインターナショナルスクール☆ 〒542-0082 大阪市中央区島之内1-22-18 tel:(06)4704-8282

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