Hi there, welcome to Doremi International School of Shinsaibashi’s blog!!!
In Japan, we say Fall is the best season for reading books, eating and Sports!!!!
Today I want to report our Sports day!
We held Sports Day 2018 on 3rd of November at
MESSE Tengachaya.
All the students practiced sooooo hard for this day, and they tried their best!!!
It was nice sunny and warm day so we could enjoy a lot!
Thank you for the parents and the family of our students for your warm and kind support!
We really appreciate it!
Morning- some kids were so nervous! /朝は緊張している生徒もいました!

Opening Ceremony/開会式
Kinder class

Pre-K class

Preschool class

Toddler class

Greetings from principal of the school/園長挨拶

Opening Speech/開会宣言 by Kinder class students

Warm up exercise / 体操 ’Jungle Boogie’

Dance/ダンス ’Baby Shark’ by Nursery class

Track Race/かけっこ by Toddler class

Track Race/かけっこ by Preschool class

Track Race /かけっこ by Pre-K and Kinder class

Dance/ダンス ’Bee Bop’ by Toddler class

Mini Soccer Lesson/サッカー教室 for Toddler, Nursery, Saturday, After class and Brothers・Sisters/観覧生徒・外部生

Dance/ダンス ’Fantastic Baby’ by Pre-K class

Dance/ダンス ’Hair’ by Kinder class

Dance/ダンス ’Girl Friend’ by Preschool class

Pull the bar/棒引き for parents and the elementary school students or over

Ball Race/ボール運び for Toddler, Nursery, Saturday, After class and Brothers・Sisters/観覧生徒・外部生

Catch the Prize!/景品つかみ For Toddler and Nursery class with parents

Obstacle Race/障害物競走 for Toddler, Nursery, Saturday, After class and Brothers・Sisters/観覧生徒・外部生

Group warm-ups and dance/組体操・ダンス ’Shake it off’ by Preschool, Pre-K and Kinder class

Ball-rolling Race/赤白玉転がし by Preschool, Pre-K and Kinder class

Relay/リレー Graduate parents vs. Teachers/卒園児保護者 vs 先生陣

Relay/リレー by Preschool, Pre-K and Kidner class

Ball Toss/玉入れ by all the kids

Closing Ceremony/閉会式
Cool down exercise/体操

Awarding Medals/メダル授与

Closing Speech/閉会宣言 by Kinder class Students

Great job students!!! All of you did your best performance!!!
And Thank you for the people who joined our Sports day!!!!
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☆Doremi International School☆
〒542-0082 大阪市中央区島之内1丁目21-23 大起興産長堀橋ビル2階