Hello everyone! Welcome to Doremi International School Itachibori’s blog☆彡
How was your weekend, everyone? Our students were happy to be back at the school again. We enjoyed our circle time as singing many songs. When one of our favorite songs, ABC Song, was on, they got very excited. We had a phonics lesson and learned a letter of “u” today. We repeated after Mr. Richard and we even tried to say the words faster and faster just like tongue twist.
みなさん、週末はいかがでしたか?ドレミのお友だちはとても楽しい週末を過ごして、またお友だちに会って喜んでいました。サークルタイムでもノリノリで参加してくれ、うたも上手に歌えるようになってきましたよ♪またみんなの好きな♪ABC Songが流れるとテンションが上がっていました。フォニックスのレッスンでは”u”をお勉強しました。umbrella, up, upside down, underの4つ単語を発音練習もしましたよ🌠
We had a P.E. lesson today. Their gross motors skills have developed more and more so that they could hold onto the bar longer than before! Also, they rolled a ball as moving to the other side of the room. Even though it was difficult for them to do so, they tried their best!
After a nap time, we went to the park. We had a short running time around the trees. They could run fast and nobody fell down. We also enjoyed our tea time at the park with Ms. Julia💓
Thank you for checking our blog! See you next time♪
☆Doremi International School Itachiobri☆ドレミインターナショナルスクール立売堀校☆
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