

Field Trip 2017 June☆
Hi there, thank you for visiting Doremi International School Shinsaibashi’s blog! The rainy season is here but we could have so much fun on 26th of June at Harvest Hill in Sakai for Field trip!!!   Students were so excited to get on the big bus and also showing off their own belongings such as tea bottles, picnic sheets, lunch and snack! At Harvest hill, we could play with water, running around the field, riding fun bicycles and turf sliding! We are so happy to see their smiles ☆☆☆ You can see how much they had fun on that day from the pictures below!   こんにちは、ドレミインターナショナルスクール心斎橋校です! 6月26日(月)は、待ちに待った遠足の日でした♪ お天気にも恵まれ、堺市のハーベストの丘へ行って参りました^^ 大きな大きなバスに乗り、終始ハイテンションの子どもたち! ハーベストの丘では、広大な広場で走り回り、芝滑りに水遊びにおもしろ自転車に乗ったり、とにかく大はしゃぎのみんなでした! とってもっとても楽しい一日でした♪   Field trip_170627_0015Field trip_170627_0001 Field trip_170627_0046 Field trip_170627_0572  Field trip_170627_0025Field trip #1_170627_0067 Field trip_170627_0707 Field trip_170627_0710Field trip_170627_0030 Field trip_170627_0035 Field trip_170627_0039   Arrived at Harvest Hill/到着!! Field trip_170627_0053 Field trip_170627_0564 Field trip_170627_0559 Field trip_170627_0567 Field trip_170627_0698 Field trip_170627_0563 Field trip_170627_0074 Field trip_170627_0562 Field trip_170627_0679   Lunch time☆/お弁当タイム♪ Field trip_170627_0980 Field trip #1_170627_0010 Field trip #1_170627_0016 Field trip #1_170627_0017 Field trip #1_170627_0020 Field trip #1_170627_0022 Field trip_170627_0923 Field trip #1_170627_0033 Field trip #1_170627_0035 Field trip #1_170627_0036 Field trip #1_170627_0041 Field trip #1_170627_0043 Field trip #1_170627_0044 Field trip #1_170627_0049 Field trip #1_170627_0051 Field trip #1_170627_0055 Field trip #1_170627_0056 Field trip #1_170627_0064 Field trip_170627_0196Field trip_170627_0197Field trip_170627_0203 Field trip_170627_0613   Play time after lunch/広大な広場でのびのび♪ Field trip_170627_0216 Field trip_170627_0218 Field trip_170627_0219  Field trip_170627_0208Field trip_170627_0210 Field trip_170627_0221 Field trip_170627_0229   Splash pad —Kinder and Pre-K class/じゃぶじゃぶ広場で水遊び♪(キンダークラス・プリケークラス) Field trip_170627_0626 Field trip_170627_0627 Field trip_170627_0631 Field trip_170627_0638 Field trip_170627_0639 Field trip_170627_0648 Field trip_170627_0657 Field trip_170627_0661 Field trip_170627_0670 Field trip_170627_0674   Fun Bicycles—Preschool and Toddler class / おもしろ自転車遊び♪(プリスクールクラス・トドラークラス) Field trip_170627_0841 Field trip_170627_0899 Field trip_170627_0786Field trip_170627_0797 Field trip_170627_0765 Field trip_170627_0114 Field trip_170627_0127 Field trip_170627_0158 Field trip_170627_0574Field trip_170627_0790 Field trip_170627_0794 Field trip_170627_0808 Field trip_170627_0822 Field trip_170627_0825 Field trip_170627_0109Field trip_170627_0854 Field trip_170627_0872 Field trip_170627_0874  Field trip_170627_0897 Field trip_170627_0906 Field trip_170627_0127   Turf Sliding —All class/芝滑り(全クラス) Field trip_170627_0232 Field trip_170627_0236 Field trip_170627_0240 Field trip_170627_0245 Field trip_170627_0257 Field trip_170627_0300 Field trip_170627_0320 Field trip_170627_0341 Field trip_170627_0351 Field trip_170627_0373 Field trip_170627_0407 Field trip_170627_0414 Field trip_170627_0424 Field trip_170627_0436 Field trip_170627_0437 Field trip_170627_0442 Field trip_170627_0459 Field trip_170627_0462 Field trip_170627_0487 Field trip_170627_0492 Field trip_170627_0494 Field trip_170627_0498 Field trip_170627_0500 Field trip_170627_0505  Field trip_170627_0518 Field trip_170627_0519 Field trip_170627_0523 Field trip_170627_0525 Field trip_170627_0541 Field trip_170627_0547 Field trip_170627_0553 Field trip_170627_0928 Field trip_170627_0930 Field trip_170627_0949 Field trip_170627_0964 Field trip_170627_0968 Field trip_170627_0972     We had soooooooooo much fun there! Our students were so excited and couldn’t stop smiling all day long!   いやー、本当に楽しかったです^^ 子どもたちの笑顔は、とにかく可愛くて何よりのパワーになり、最高です!! ありがとう!!! みんな!!!   We can’t wait the next fun event!   You can check  and buy more and more pictures in ‘En Navi Photo’ . If you don’t know the password, please feel free to ask school staff! 在園児の生徒さんのお写真は、園ナビフォトというサイトでたくさんご覧いただけ、またご購入いただけます☆ パスワードなどはいつでもお渡しできますので、まだご存じでない保護者の皆様はスクールスタッフまでお声掛けください^^ https://en-photo.net/

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