

☆Watermelon piñata☆
Hi there, welcome to Doremi International School of Shinsaibashi’s blog:) How is your OBON holidays going? Students told teachers that they are going to have a lot of fun with their family and friends:) I cannot wait to hear how they spent their time with their loved people♪ Today I want to share our unique and fun memory of summer! In our school, almost every year we enjoy Watermelon piñata! It is Japanese summer traditional game to split watermelon called SUIKA WARI in Japanese. We hide our eyes with towel and spinning around, then walk to the watermelon with stick to split! People around the challenger help him to find the direction to the watermelon:) This time, Toddler and Nursery class students tried to hit watermelon with teachers, Preschool and Pre-K students tried without hiding their eyes and no spinning around, and Kinder  students tried hiding their eyes and spinning around as same as their age! At last, Mr.Marty challenged it and he finally split the watermelon in two!!!!!     こんにちは、ドレミインターナショナルスクール心斎橋校です☆ お盆休みはいかがお過ごしでしょうか? 生徒たちは、お盆休みの予定を嬉しそうに教えてくれていたので、今からお土産話を聞くのが楽しみです♡ 今日は夏の思い出をシェアさせて頂きます♬ 当スクールでは毎年、日本の夏の伝統行事の一つでもあるスイカ割りをスクール内でおこなっております! トドラー、ナーサリークラスは先生と一緒にスイカをたたき、プリスクール、プリケークラスは少し離れたところから歩いて棒を持ってスイカにむかっていき、キンダークラスの生徒は目隠しをして年齢の数だけくるくるまわり、まわりの声を聞いてスイカに向かって歩いていきました! みんな上手に棒を当てていく中でもなかなか割れなかったスイカを、最後はミスターマーティーが綺麗に割ってくれました!!!     Watermelon piñata_180808_0285_LI     Toddler& Nursery class Watermelon piñata_180808_0401       They tried with teacher! Good job! Watermelon piñata_180808_0365 Watermelon piñata_180808_0303 Watermelon piñata_180808_0309 Watermelon piñata_180808_0313 Watermelon piñata_180808_0318 Watermelon piñata_180808_0320 Watermelon piñata_180808_0328 Watermelon piñata_180808_0331 Watermelon piñata_180808_0347 Watermelon piñata_180808_0357     Preschool and  Pre-K class   Watermelon piñata_180808_0150 Watermelon piñata_180808_0009_LI Watermelon piñata_180808_0011_LI Watermelon piñata_180808_0017 Watermelon piñata_180808_0027 Watermelon piñata_180808_0074 Watermelon piñata_180808_0088 Watermelon piñata_180808_0090 Watermelon piñata_180808_0109       Kinder class—— They tried with hiding their eyes :)目隠ししながらチャレンジ! Watermelon piñata_180808_0224 Watermelon piñata_180808_0227_LI Watermelon piñata_180808_0168_LI Watermelon piñata_180808_0169_LI Watermelon piñata_180808_0175_LI Watermelon piñata_180808_0183 Watermelon piñata_180808_0190 Watermelon piñata_180808_0191 Watermelon piñata_180808_0195 Watermelon piñata_180808_0203_LI Watermelon piñata_180808_0205       At last, Mr.Marty split the watermelon!!!!!! Watermelon piñata_180808_0278 Watermelon piñata_180808_0282_LI         And we enjoyed watermelon in snack time♪ スナックタイムにスイカも食べましたよ♪         You can check  and buy more and more pictures in ‘En Photo’ . If you don’t know the password, please feel free to ask school staff! 在園児の生徒さんのお写真は、えんフォトというサイトでたくさんご覧いただけ、またご購入いただけます☆ パスワードなどはいつでもお渡しできますので、まだご存じでない保護者の皆様はスクールスタッフまでお声掛けください^^ https://en-photo.net/ ☆Doremi International School☆ ☆ドレミインターナショナルスクール☆ 〒542-0082 大阪市中央区島之内1丁目21-23 大起興産長堀橋ビル2階 tel:(06)4704-8282

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