

☆Setsubun Party☆
Hi there, welcome to Doremi International School of Shinsaibashi’s blog☆ Follow up with January, we experienced another Japanese traditional event in February In Japan, we have Setsubun Party on February. Setsubun literally means “division of seasons.” It is used to mark the end of winter and summer, and is derived from the old lunar calendar. However, “setsubun” has now come to mean the day before the first day of spring only. It usually occurs around February 3rd. On this day, in a custom called mame-maki, people throw and scatter roasted soy beans inside and outside their houses while saying, “Get goblins out of the house! Invite happiness into the home!” Some people believe that mame comes from the word mametsu which means drive away evil matter, in Kanji. In our school, we had a party on 1st of February and we made a paper beans instead of real one so everyone could enjoy mamemaki safely. Most of the students were so scared of Goblin and also cried a lot but some of them were so brave to throw the paper beans to Goblin!     こんにちは、ドレミインターナショナルスクール心斎橋校です☆ 当スクールでも2月も引き続き、日本の伝統文化にふれる機会を作っていっております! 2月には、スクールで節分会を開き、豆まきにチャレンジしました! 泣いてしまう生徒も多い中、中には鬼さんに自分からハグをしたり、I want to take a picture with you!と写真のおねだりをする生徒までさまざまでした☆ ずっと練習していたGO AWAY!のお歌も上手に歌い、お花紙で作った豆も投げ、福を招き入れることができたかな、と思います!           Preschool, Pre-K andidner class   ’Go Away Goblin!!!!!We are good kids!!!’ Setsubun 2019_190202_0039_LI Setsubun 2019_190202_0040_LI Setsubun 2019_190202_0116 Setsubun 2019_190202_0123 Setsubun 2019_190202_0125 Setsubun 2019_190202_0286_LI Setsubun 2019_190202_0295_LI Setsubun 2019_190202_0301_LI Setsubun 2019_190202_0304     Picture time with Green Goblin and Mr.Mathieu goblin☆ Setsubun 2019_190202_0267 Setsubun 2019_190202_0153 Setsubun 2019_190202_0156 Setsubun 2019_190202_0159 Setsubun 2019_190202_0175 Setsubun 2019_190202_0193 Setsubun 2019_190202_0194 Setsubun 2019_190202_0220 Setsubun 2019_190202_0236 Setsubun 2019_190202_0240 Setsubun 2019_190202_0243 Setsubun 2019_190202_0256 Setsubun 2019_190202_0260           Toddler and Nursery class   ’GOAWAYGOBLIN!!!!!!’ Setsubun 2019_190202_0003_LI Setsubun 2019_190202_0005 Setsubun 2019_190202_0017 Setsubun 2019_190202_0034 Setsubun 2019_190202_0321     ’Cheeeeeeeese!’ Setsubun 2019_190202_0367 Setsubun 2019_190202_0378 Setsubun 2019_190202_0334 Setsubun 2019_190202_0356 Setsubun 2019_190202_0362 Setsubun 2019_190202_0366               You can check  and buy more and more pictures in ‘En Photo’ . If you don’t know the password, please feel free to ask school staff! 在園児の生徒さんのお写真は、えんフォトというサイトでたくさんご覧いただけ、またご購入いただけます☆ パスワードなどはいつでもお渡しできますので、まだご存じでない保護者の皆様はスクールスタッフまでお声掛けください^^ https://en-photo.net/ ☆Doremi International School☆ ☆ドレミインターナショナルスクール☆ 〒542-0082 大阪市中央区島之内1丁目21-23 大起興産長堀橋ビル2階 tel:(06)4704-8282

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