

☆Setsubun Party☆
Hi there, welcome to Doremi International School of Shinsaibashi!!! Time flies so quick, I can’t believe it’s already February! In Japan, we have Setsubun Party on February. Setsubun literally means “division of seasons.” It is used to mark the end of winter and summer, and is derived from the old lunar calendar. However, “setsubun” has now come to mean the day before the first day of spring only. It usually occurs around February 3rd. On this day, in a custom called mame-maki, people throw and scatter roasted soy beans inside and outside their houses while saying, “Get goblins out of the house! Invite happiness into the home!” Some people believe that mame comes from the word mametsu which means drive away evil matter, in Kanji. In our school, we had a party on 1st of February and we made a paper beans instead of real one so everyone could enjoy mamemaki safely. Most of the students were so scared of Goblin and also cried a lot but some of them were so brave to save their friends and teachers!     こんにちは、ドレミインターナショナルスクール心斎橋校です! あっという間に二月に入りましたね!2月1日にはスクールにて毎年恒例の節分会がありました! 本格的な鬼さんに、数日前からドキドキそわそわしていた生徒たち。 事前にお花紙を使って豆まき用の豆を作っている間も話題は鬼さんでもちきりでした♪ 当日は鬼さんに大泣きしてしまう生徒や、先生にしがみついて離れない生徒、柱に隠れる生徒、果敢に先生やお友達のために鬼さんに立ち向かっていく生徒など様々な反応を見せてくれました♪ 福をたーーーーくさんスクールに呼び込んで、ますます楽しい日々を過ごしていきたいと思います☆       Nursery & Toddler class Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0005_LI Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0015 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0022 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0026 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0036 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0050 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0064 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0523   Preschool, Pre-K & Kinder class Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0099_LI Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0359Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0126 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0131 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0161  Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0173Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0179 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0233 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0416Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0448Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0671Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0691_LIJan. Setsubun Party_180202_0242 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0263 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0268 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0278Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0285Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0299 Jan. Setsubun Party_180203_0753Jan. Setsubun Party_180203_0761 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0356   They sang ‘Go away’ song so loud! 大きな声で’Go away’のお歌を歌いました! Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0368 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0369_LI Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0376_LIJan. Setsubun Party_180202_0712_LIJan. Setsubun Party_180202_0713_LI   Then, cleaned up those paper beans in hurry to say bye to goblin! 早く鬼さんに帰ってほしくて一生懸命お片付け! Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0388_LIJan. Setsubun Party_180202_0394 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0400   Look how brave they are!!! They are saving their teachers from goblin! 先生を守るために勇敢に鬼さんに立ち向かう生徒たち! Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0473 Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0492     At the end, they made a promise to keep the school rules with goblin. 最後には鬼さんとお約束事をきちんと守ると約束しました! Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0555_LI (2)Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0498_LIJan. Setsubun Party_180202_0730Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0487_LI (2)Jan. Setsubun Party_180202_0560_LI       We wish you will be blessed with lots of happiness too! 皆様の所にもたくさんの福が訪れますように♪               You can check  and buy more and more pictures in ‘En Navi Photo’ . If you don’t know the password, please feel free to ask school staff! 在園児の生徒さんのお写真は、園ナビフォトというサイトでたくさんご覧いただけ、またご購入いただけます☆ パスワードなどはいつでもお渡しできますので、まだご存じでない保護者の皆様はスクールスタッフまでお声掛けください^^ https://en-photo.net/ ☆Doremi International School☆ ☆ドレミインターナショナルスクール☆ 〒542-0082 大阪市中央区島之内1丁目21-23 大起興産長堀橋ビル2階 tel:(06)4704-8282  

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