

☆Rice cake pounding/Mochi tsuki☆
Hi there, welcome to Doremi International School of Shinsaibashi’s blog:) In January, students leaned about how people spend their new year in the world from the teachers around the world☆ To learn Japanese culture, we tried rice cake pounding called Mochi Tsuki in Japanese. These are the steps of it! Step 1– steam glutinous rice (mochigome) until it softens Step 2 – place the steamed glutinous rice in a large mortar (usu) Step 3 – add water and quickly grind and knead the steamed glutinous rice into rice cake (mochi) with a mallet (kinu) Step 4 – pound the rice cake with the mallet Step 5– have another person add water and quickly knead the rice cake between each strike Step 6 – repeat steps 4&5  over and over until you get the mochi consistency you want All the students enjoyed so much of this event, and also the taste of rice cake! Thank you Kinder class students for shaping the rice cake;)       こんにちは、ドレミインターナショナルスクール心斎橋校のブログへようこそ!ブログへようこそ! 1月中は、世界のお正月の過ごし方について、世界各国から来ている先生たちに教えてもらい、たくさん学んだ生徒たち☆ 日本の伝統文化の一つとして、当スクールではお餅つきをしました! 杵と臼を使ってもち米をついていき、お持ちが出来上がる様子をとっても楽しんでくれたみんな! キンダークラスのみんなはついたモチを食べやすい形にしてくれました☆         Toddler and Nursery class Rice cake pounding_190202_0195 Rice cake pounding_190202_0206 Rice cake pounding_190202_0208 Rice cake pounding_190202_0214 Rice cake pounding_190202_0215 Rice cake pounding_190202_0219 Rice cake pounding_190202_0222     Preschool class Rice cake pounding_190202_0045Rice cake pounding_190202_0048Rice cake pounding_190202_0050Rice cake pounding_190202_0051Rice cake pounding_190202_0054Rice cake pounding_190202_0056Rice cake pounding_190202_0066       Pre-K class Rice cake pounding_190202_0290 Rice cake pounding_190202_0299 Rice cake pounding_190202_0005     Kinder class Rice cake pounding_190202_0008 Rice cake pounding_190202_0010 Rice cake pounding_190202_0014 Rice cake pounding_190202_0020 Rice cake pounding_190202_0024 Rice cake pounding_190202_0025 Rice cake pounding_190202_0030 Rice cake pounding_190202_0031 Rice cake pounding_190202_0036 Rice cake pounding_190202_0039 Rice cake pounding_190202_0041     Thank you Kinder class students!   Rice cake pounding_190202_0314_LI Rice cake pounding_190202_0302 Rice cake pounding_190202_0304   Rice cake pounding_190202_0100                     You can check  and buy more and more pictures in ‘En Photo’ . If you don’t know the password, please feel free to ask school staff! 在園児の生徒さんのお写真は、えんフォトというサイトでたくさんご覧いただけ、またご購入いただけます☆ パスワードなどはいつでもお渡しできますので、まだご存じでない保護者の皆様はスクールスタッフまでお声掛けください^^ https://en-photo.net/ ☆Doremi International School☆ ☆ドレミインターナショナルスクール☆ 〒542-0082 大阪市中央区島之内1丁目21-23 大起興産長堀橋ビル2階 tel:(06)4704-8282

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