

☆Girl’s Festival☆
Hi there, how are you? Welcome to Doremi International School Shinsaibashi’s blog:) It’s getting warmer and warmer outside and we are having both inside of the school and outside of the school! At the same time, some students and teachers can’t stop sneezing because of the hay fever. Thanks spring! hahaha Anyway in Japan, we have a traditional girl’s festival on March 3rd called HINAMATSURI. People display graceful dolls in ancient court costumes on a tier of 5 or 7 shelves covered with scarlet cloth. These dolls represent the Emperor and Empress, the court ladies, the ministers and the court musicians. The girls are expected to be as elegant as these courtly ladies. Young girls wear their beautiful Kimono and get together before the display and have a good time, eating sweet rice crackers (Hina arare) and drinking white sake (Shirozake). It is also known as the Peach Festival. To have some fun, we made our own head band for it and took pictures! Girls were really happy to wear the special costume and they said ‘Look! I am a princess!!!’ 🙂     こんにちは、ドレミインターナショナルスクール心斎橋校です。 暖かくなってきて、スクールの内外でもみんな楽しんでいる今日この頃。 数人の生徒や先生は花粉症に早くも悩まされております^^; さて、3月3日はひな祭りという事で、お面を作り、みんなでお雛様とお内裏様に扮してお写真を撮りました^^ 女の子は特にI am a princess!!!と大喜びで素敵な笑顔を見せてくれました☆ Girls festival_3096Girls festival_3714 February_8042  Girls festival_8912Girls festival_5407  February_6612 Girls festival_7342February_8654Girls festival_8970 February_7297  February_6220 February_9131    Girls festival_2574February_4232   February_9160 Girls festival_233   Girls festival_1118  Girls festival_1543_0   Girls festival_4058   Girls festival_5542Girls festival_2360Girls festival_177Girls festival_2680  Girls festival_4547       On February, we had special guests to school! Guess who?? Fire fighters!!! Students were soooooooooo excited about this special time and were so happy to take a picture with them!!! Thank you fire fighters☆   2月には消防士さんがスクールに来てくれ、みんな大喜びでお写真を撮らせて頂きました☆ ありがとうございました♪ February_3386_0         ☆Doremi International School☆ ☆ドレミインターナショナルスクール☆ 〒542-0082 大阪市中央区島之内1-22-18 tel:(06)4704-8282

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