☆Setsubun Party with Goblin!on 4/Feb/2016☆
Hi there, thank you for visiting Doremi International School Shinsaibashi’s blog:)
On 4th of February we had Setsubun Party at school with Chubby Green Goblin!!!
‘Setsubun’ is a festival held on February 3 or 4, one day before the start of spring according to the Japanese luna calendar.
The most commonly performed ritual is the throwing of roasted beans around one’s house and at temples.
When throwing the beans, you are supposed to shout ‘Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi’ means Devils out, happiness in! Afterwards people eat as many beans as their age.
At school, we made some paper beans instead of beans to throw, and we shouted GO AWAY!!!!!!!!
Many kids cried a lot but they tried throwing paper beans to goblin:))
Then, they made promises to Goblin such as listen to parents, listen to teachers, be a nice friend of their classmates, and will finish their meals all the time!
After our students could sing ‘Go Away’ song very nicely, finally Goblin went home:)
These are the photos of that day and you will see how scary the goblin was!!!
豆の代わりにお花紙を丸めたものを作り、みんなでGO AWAY!と言いながら鬼さんに投げました!


I can’t wait next Setsubun party!hahaha
☆Doremi International School☆
〒542-0082 大阪市中央区島之内1-22-18
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